Saturday, January 31, 2009


So I haven't written on here for forever so I thought I better get something on here. I plan on writing much more frequently soon. Well I feel as though I am at a crossroads and that I need to make decision. I started working for a company in late October. I really enjoyed working for the company, the hours,scheduling and management where all very nice. As of the first of the year the company I was working for got bought out and things have drastically changed. I have had a lot of stress with the job and overall it just hasn't been good. I have been feeling sick a lot due to stress and what not and I also messed up my back. I am also doing a second job at the moment and that is directing a play which I love doing and went to school for. The time is coming for my husband and I to make a decision if I need to quite my one job and tighten down the budget some more. Before going to work in October my health had gotten much better.I had one point where my blood sugar did not drop for two months. Anyone who is hypoglycemic can tell you that this is a great accomplishment. Unfortunately I have went back the other way which makes me sad. All that to say the crossroad is coming and I want to make sure that I choose the right path.I know that as I pray that the Lord will help me to know what is right. I hope this post doesn't sound depressing. :)

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