Monday, August 25, 2008

New Adventure

As I was thinking about all I wanted to write in this blog post about me looking for a job I thought back to a song from a long time ago. The song that came to my mind was that of The Great Adventure by Stephen Curtis Chapman.....come on sing it with me..... saddle up your horses. So for those of you that are reading this and don't know me very well , you will never see me as that shy red head again will you. Anyways I decided I was going to talk today about my new adventure. I have been keeping my eye out for a job since we moved to Glendive about six months ago. The problem is that my degree is with drama and well that is a little bit harder to use in a rural area as far as for income. I do have one theater thing lined up, I will be directing a play for a high school about thirty miles away from here in the spring. I have been working on some scriptwriting from home and I have three different play ideas but none of them are finished. My dream is to some day get a play published. Anyways getting back on track now, I am looking for a job in the clerical/retail/whatever else area . Something that will get me out of the house a little bit and will get us a little extra money. Well enough on that I'm saddling up my horse and heading into town. Oh wait I don't have horses and I already live in town well I guess I will just say good bye then. :)

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Have you ever...

This is a skit called " game day" which I did while in college, I thought it would fit well with this post.

Have you ever caught yourself cheering at the TV while watching a sporting event? It's quite funny to think about, cheering at a big box as if you were really at the event. Over the last week and half I have caught myself doing that very thing while watching the Olympics. Now I must admit it wasn't a really loud cheer , however I was definitely cheering at the big box. I had my hands in fists, face tightened and let out a little.. go, go, get going. I must also admit that the Olympics is not the first time I have done such a thing... I will pause for a minute so that you can finish gasping......... ok ya done yet? I must also say that no matter where I am when I get to watch a good ole Nebraska football game I have been known to wiggle in my seat and let out a few more of those cheers to the big black box. Now you might say this is the weirdist blog post you have ever read, but I bet tonight when you are watching the olympics on the big black box that you just might catch yourself with fisted hands, tighten face and letting out a bit of a cheer. Have a good day everyone:)

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Bishop Family Reunion

Hello friends and family. Well since I enjoy reading other blogs daily I thought it was time to start one of my own. This past weekend was that Bishop family reunion. This was my first real reunion. I must say it was quite fun and interesting. I come from a small family and well the Bishop family is large! We had basically only immediate family there and that consisted of about 25-30 people. I can't imagine how many we would have had if all the grandkids and extended family was there. To give you an idea of the family size difference between the Grandy's and the Bishop's, if all of my immediate and extended family was to be in North Platte for a holiday there would be about 30 people. I have no 1st cousins on my dad's side and only two on my moms side. Oh the craziness.